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Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio

  • Fabricante::
    Prime 1 Studio
  • Ref. del producto: P1SUPMEVA-01S
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 StudioRei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Rei Ayanami Bonus Version Rebuild of Evangelion 1/4 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
1899,00 €
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"Those who hate themselves cannot love or trust others."

Prime 1 Studio is proud to present a much sought after entry into the Ultimate Premium Masterline Series: the 1:4 Scale UPMEVA-01S: Rei Ayanami Bonus Version from Rebuild of Evangelion!

After almost 30 years, Hideaki Anno has finally brought a satisfying ending to the Evangelion Saga on his own terms. The entire Rebuild of Evangelion series was gripping from start to finish, and Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time was an incredible culmination for all of Anno-Sensei's innumerable fans.

In honor of his vast achievement, Prime 1 Studio is happy to be able to bring one of the most recognizable protagonists of the series: Rei Ayanami!

Our team of Prime 1 Studio artisans have lovingly crafted a Rei Ayanami figure for the ages. Demurely composed in her control seat, Rei Ayanami shows off why she is a strong fan favorite. From her sculpted, blue locks, to her piercing red eyes, all the way down through her fitted, glossy, white plug suit, any Evangelion fan would recognize this statue as the Ayanami they have grown to know and love.

Prime 1 Studio has made sure to conform to the exacting proportions and specifications of Anno-Sensei's greatest creation with the flowing sculpting of Rei's anatomy, to the crisp detailing of her control seat. All the while, staying faithful to Evangelion's trademark color palette, so that the whole figure rings true.

At a total height of 26 inches, Rei sits comfortably on her movie-accurate control seat base. The angle of which brings to mind how it would normally be situated inside the Evangelion Entry Plug.

When you pre-order this Bonus Version from our official online store or any authorized distributor, you will receive a cool, extra Bonus Part: an extra Rei Ayanami Swappable head! You will have the flexibility to display Rei in two different moods.

Don't wait for the Third Impact! Get this angelic heroine today!

Size: approximately 66 x 38 x 66 cm.

The Bonus Version comes with swappable head.

Please note: Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.

Other Anime / Manga
Quarter Scale Statue 1/4


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