Prime 1 Studio is proud to present MMDC-04 Deathstroke from the Batman Arkham Origins.
Part of an experimental super-soldier program where he gained enhanced strength. agility. healing factor and intelligence.
Deathstroke became a mercenary and rapidly gained a reputation as one of the world's greatest assassins.
When Batman defeated Deathstroke. he finally earned his respect and Deathstroke would devote all of his energy into killing him.
Accessories include :
-One (1) Switchable Right regular arm
-One (1) Switchable Right arm holding Assault rifle
-One (1) Switchable Right arm holding Ballistic Staff
-One (1) Switchable Left fist holding Ninjato Sword
-One (1) Switchable Left fist
Statue stands approx. 76 cm tall.