Back to: AIRPLANES 1/72 Aircraft 1/72 Kfir C2/C7 Israeli AF Fighter (New Tool) Kit by AMK Models Fournisseurs: AMKRéférence: AMK86002 Aircraft 1/72 Kfir C2/C7 Israeli AF Fighter (New Tool) Kit by AMK Models SHARE WITH PRINT 17,99 € Price includes VAT Single Payment Shipping EstimateApplies to this product only Country Select Allemagne Autriche Belgique Bulgarie Chypre (pays) Croatie Danemark Espagne Estonie Finlande France Grèce Hongrie Irlande Italie Lettonie Lituanie Luxembourg Malte Netherlands Antilles Pays-Bas Pologne Portugal Romania République tchèque Slovaquie Slovénie Suède Îles Canaries City/State Zip / Postal Code Model Kits 1/72 Airplanes