The production of the Topol mobile ballistic missile started in 1985, and nowadays they are the main component of Russian strategic nuclear war potential. This mobile ICBM is mounted on a 7-axle heavy truck MAZ-7917, capable to move through any off-road terrain and attaining a speed up to 60 km/h on a highways. The truck moves all the time during patrolling, and a missile can be launched from any point of the route - this makes it difficult for the enemy to detect it's position. The missile can be readied to launch in 2 min after the order was received. The three stage rocket can deliver a nuclear warhead of 0.55 mt up to 10 000 km and has the complete complex of anti-missile defense breaching devices. Currently the Topol missile guaranteed term of service is 21 years.
Scale: 1/72
Parts: 309
Size: 31 cm