HMSNELSON waslaid downatArmstrong-Whitworth’sshipyardinNewcastle-on-TyneonDecember 28th 1922, launched on September 3rd 1925, and commissioned on August 15th 1927.
At theoutbreakofWorld War IIinSeptember1939,NELSON was servingas flagship of theHome Fleet.InMarch 1941NELSON supportedthelandingraidon theLofotenIslands,Norway, againstGermanfactoriesproducingfish oil and glycerine.ThesameyearNELSON transferredtotheMediterranean, taking part in one of the Malta Convoys.InNovember 1942,NELSONwas active in the “Operation Torch”landingsinFrench North Africa.In July 1943,NELSON supported the Allied invasion ofSicily“Operation Husky”, and theSalernolanding in September 1943. On September 29th 1943,General Dwight D Eisenhower,on behalf ofthe Allies,andMarshalBadoglio ofItalysigned theItaliansurrenderagreement aboard NELSON.
In1944,NELSON took part intheNormandylandings, subsequentlytransferring totheIndianOceantoparticipateinthewaronJapaninAugust and September 1945.The Japanesesurrender ofMalayawas signed aboardNELSON on September 3rd 1945.
After the war ended in 1945, NELSON was retired from active service and used on training duties until 1947, becoming a bombing target before being sold for scrap in 1948.
Scale 1:200
Item Type Static Kit
Model Brief Length: 1082.5mm Beam: 160mm
Total Parts 1260+
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 8 pcs
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 18 sprues
Released Date 2015-01
More Features - One-piece hull made from two-directional slide molds
- The Deck is a single piece casting
- Accurately detailed gun
- 8 pieces of photo etched frets for handrais,ladders , radar parts etc.
- Contains display stand