Amid the thorns and spells of Dol Guldur. the Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien cradles Gandalf the Grey. barely alive after his mistreatment at the hands of the Necromancer’s minions.
Immortalise this pivotal moment with Galadriel at Gandalf's Side: the first figure released from Weta Workshop's 1:30 Scale Collection.
Brand new from Weta Workshop comes Dol Guldur: A 1:30 Scale Collection. For the first time ever. collect your very own Middle-earth scene piece by piece and populate it with miniature figures of your choosing.
A place of dread. Dol Guldur is a ruined fortress deep in Mirkwood. Long was it thought to have been abandoned. but quietly have dark things crept into its passages. and beneath spells of concealment the Dark Lord Sauron has gathered his servants to him.
Rumour of a Necromancer drew Gandalf to the hill of Sorcery. where his suspicions were confirmed. Now the White Council must put for its strength to rescue the Grey Wizard and put the forces of darkness to flight. The stage is set for a battle of immortal powers.
Figures are made of metal. on polyresin bases.
Please note that the first three product images of this piece show an early pre-production prototype. The final piece will come on a resin base block that fits into the Palantír Courtyard diorama. See the fourth product image for a mockup representation of this.
Add to your set with more characters and environment pieces from Dol Guldur:
The Witch-king of Angmar. Ringwraith of Forod. Lord Elrond of Rivendell