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24 of 65 20 24 40 80 200 United Cutlery CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-05-31 Aeglos Spear of Gil-galad LOTR 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery From: 99,80 € / Month GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-03-31 Allaxdrow Speer Kit Rae 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 199,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-03-31 Anduril Scabbard The Lord of The Rings by United Cutlery 319,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-03-31 Anduril Sword of King Elessar Museum Collection Edition LOTR 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 629,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-04-30 Avoloch Sword Dark Edition Kit Rae Swords of the Ancients 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 279,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-04-30 Bearded Axe of Gimli Lord of the Rings 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 319,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Boromir's Dagger LOTR 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 299,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Crysknife of Paul Atreides Dune Replica by United Cutlery 299,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Ellexdrow War Spear Kit Rae 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 189,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-05-31 Elven Knife of Aragorn LOTR 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery From: 59,80 € / Month GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-04-30 Eomer's Spear Lord of the Rings 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 429,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Exotath Fantasy Sword Special Edition Kit Rae Swords of the Ancients 1/1 Replica by United Cutlery 299,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-05-31 Fighting Knives Of Legolas The Lord of The Rings by United Cutlery From: 65,80 € / Month GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-04-30 Fighting Knives of Tauriel The Hobbit by United Cutlery 329,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Glamdring Scabbard Blue Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery 279,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Sold Out Glamdring Scabbard White Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery 299,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Glamdring Sword of Gandalf Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery 349,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Sold Out Gondorian Infantry Helm Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery 449,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-05-31 Guthwine Sword of Eomer Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery From: 69,80 € / Month GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-05-31 Hadhafang Sword of Arwen Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery From: 71,80 € / Month GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-04-30 Helm of Eomer Lord of the Rings 1/1 Scale Replica by United Cutlery 519,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Helm of Isildur Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery 499,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2025-04-30 Helm of King Theoden Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery 599,00 € Price includes VAT GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > CUSTOMER RATING: Product Available Date: 2026-01-31 Helm of Sauron (Museum Collection) The Lord of the Rings by United Cutlery From: 46,08 € / Month GO TO PRODUCT PAGE > 123Page 1 of 3 Results 1 - 24 of 65 20 24 40 80 200