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Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio

  • Manufacturer:
    Prime 1 Studio
  • Product SKU: P1SMMTBM-01
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 StudioBatman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
Batman Special Art Edition The Batman 1/3 Statue by Prime 1 Studio
1999,00 €
1399,00 €
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"I'm Vengeance." - The Batman

Debuted quickly after this year's mind-blowing DC Fandome trailer, comes this exciting release for Prime 1 Studio. We are incredibly proud to present the unbelievable 1:3 Scale THE BATMAN Special Art Edition Statue from THE BATMAN!

At almost 35 inches tall, Prime 1 Studio's 1:3 Scale Museum Masterline THE BATMAN Special Art Edition Statue is based on Jim Lee's breathtaking DC Fandome illustration from 2020's DC Fandome Event. Prime 1 Studio created this work of art to take advantage of every opportunity to showcase this newest Batman and to shine a spotlight on how awesome this new design aesthetic is.

Prime 1 Studio's artist team took the kernel of Jim Lee's artwork and embellished it to push the realism and drama. Inspired by the film, our artists have pushed the boundaries of what's possible to bring you an exciting take on the Caped Crusader.

You can easily see from his head alone, the leather-like texture, and intricate stitching on his cowl, and subtle facial features in the lower half of his face...these have been executed to perfection. His armor is both solid form and brutal function rolled into one. It gives him a menacing silhouette, and also the protection he needs to do his job effectively. You can see every stitch, every dent, every texture, every pouch, and every strap as if it were the real thing.

While he looks like a night creature devoid of color, our painters took great care in differentiating the multitude of armor pieces, cloth textures, and other aspects of the suit to portray that his costume is made up of numerous parts...and not just a solid block of darkness. We have employed many different finishes and painting techniques to bring out the stark realism of this piece. We wanted to showcase how Jim Lee's drawing could inspire realism in a statue.

Perched atop an iconic gargoyle, THE BATMAN is ready to take on Gotham City's most superstitious, and cowardly lot. And the best news? THE BATMAN Special Art Edition Statue is also ready to occupy your very own shelf!

And if fabric capes are more your style, look out for MMTBM-02LM: The Batman Special Art Edition Fabric Cape Limited Version to be released at a later date.

THE BATMAN Special Art Edition Statue is NOW available for preorder! Head over to our website and preorder THE BATMAN!


- Statue Size: 88 x 71 x 59 cm
- Gotham City Gargoyle-themed base

Limited Edition.

Please note: Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs may apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.

DC Comics
1/3 Scale Statue


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